
The German-Chinese Association – Friends of Taiwan and 60 members of the German Bundestag are supporting Taiwan to be included in the WHO.

5月底將在日內瓦召開世界衛生大會(WHA),德中協會─台灣之友與各黨團國會議員致函世界衛生組織秘書長譚德塞(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus),要求讓台灣以觀察員身分參加世界衛生組織及世界衛生大會,並參與防疫國際合作。

The German-Chinese Association – Friends of Taiwan and 60 members of the German Bundestag are supporting Taiwan to be included in the WHO

The World Health Assembly (WHA) will take place in Geneva at the end of May. In a letter to the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the DCG – Friends of Taiwan and members of various parties of the German Parliament ask the WHO to enable Taiwan to participate constructively in the WHO / WHA (observer status). In view of the current global corona crisis, we believe it is more important than ever to work for international healthcare cooperation.

The German-Chinese Association – Friends of Taiwan and 60 members of the German Bundestag are supporting Taiwan to be included in the WHO

The World Health Assembly (WHA) will take place in Geneva at the end of May. In a letter to the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the DCG – Friends of Taiwan and members of various parties of the German Parliament ask the WHO to enable Taiwan to participate constructively in the WHO / WHA (observer status). In view of the current global corona crisis, we believe it is more important than ever to work for international healthcare cooperation.

Read the full petition (13.03.2020) here:

Viruses don’t know borders! For an inclusion of Taiwan in the WHO!

From May 17th to 21st 2020, the annual World Health Assembly is going to take place in Geneva. In light of the current corona-pandemic, we regard it more important than ever to work towards a comprehensive, international cooperation in the field of healthcare. We decidedly ask the WHO to enable Taiwan to cooperate constructively within the WHO/WHA by permitting it the observer status.

Furthermore, we urgently demand to immediately correct the false classification of Taiwan being subordinate to Chinese jurisdiction. The current classification is misleading and frequently causes misunderstandings. Taiwan has a sovereign government and a health system fully separated from that of the People’s Republic of China.

Every country has an existential interest to participate in issues and debates concerning the life and limb of its citizens. If, however, a state is excluded from the World Health Assembly, it is cut off of vital channels of communication and information. This poses a serious risk for all people affected. Besides, an inclusion of Taiwan in the WHO/WHA should be in the interest of all nations. Being a central hub for traffic and commerce, Taiwan with its 23 million inhabitants is fully integrated in the international exchange of people and goods. Every country needs to be included in the prevention and combat of diseases and epidemics!

Anita Schäfer, Member of Deutscher Bundestag, President of the German-Chinese Association – Friends of Taiwan:

“The discrimination of the people in Taiwan is incompatible with the values and convictions of the United Nations and the WHO. The SARS-epidemic in 2003 has clearly shown that diseases and epidemics know no borders. They spread cross-borders and do not know politics. In an age of globalisation, the comprehensive international cooperation in the area of healthcare has become more necessary than ever!”

Dr. Marcus Faber, Member of Deutscher Bundestag, Vice-President of the German-Chinese Association – Friends of Taiwan:

“For the outbreak of COVID-19, the small democratic Taiwan has been prepared far better than others and managed to contain the spread effectively. The Taiwanese measures have achieved that – at this point – out of 23 million inhabitants only 50 cases and one death have been reported. Taiwan’s expertise has to be integrated into the WHO urgently, so that we can fight COVID-19 effectively.”

Erwin Rüddel, Member of Deutscher Bundestag, President of the Parliamentary Committee for Health:

“Internationally, Taiwan is strongly engaged in the area of health: According to its Foreign Ministry, Taiwan has spent billions of US dollars since 1996 for campaigns serving medical and humanitarian aid, which without doubt has benefitted millions of people in over 80 countries. Therefore, I feel that it was not only an advantage for Taiwan to participate in the WHA, but also that the WHA itself would benefit from the great commitment of Taiwan in the field of healthcare. Only when there are no blank spots left on the world map, a global crisis management can be successful.”